PM - Expand SBIRT Program

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Return to Expand SBIRT Program
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Potential Measures

Measure Description Calculations Data Source
# of Sites doing SBIRT # of clinics, schools, dental offices or other type of organizations that are doing SBIRT with their patients or clients Sum up the # of sites by  category.  Depending on the geography and total number of sites that are anticipated, this could be an acutal count (listing every site in a spreadsheet, for example) or it could be the sum of a bunch of good-faith estimates, such as a school district estimating how many school clinics are doing SBIRT.
Number (#) of SBIRT screens conducted The first step in SBIRT is screening, so a a growing number of sites do an increasing number of screens, this number should increase. Total number of screens added up from a variety of sources, depending on how data is collected. One option is to have the payers who pay for the screening submit their data.  Another is to get counts of screening transactions form a vendor for an on-line screening tools.  Multple sources may be combined to get an estimate. 
# of Referrals to Treatment # of People referred to treatment as a result of the SBIRT process.  (Quarterly) Sum up the # of referrals by category Ideally, a referral platform would be used to make this relatively easy to count. 


Potential Data Sources

site   org   date added   comments