TR - Improve & Expand Screening for Risk Factors & Testing For Misuse

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Information & Training for Medical Professionals

Tool/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials
Urine Drug Testing For Chronic Pain Management Informational Tables

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Medical Professionals

Includes three informative tables about drug testing techniques: natural and synthetic opioids, drug metabolites, typical cut-off levels, and time of detection in urine.
Laboratory Evaluation: Testing for Alcohol and Substance Use Informational

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Medical Professionals

Information about laboratory testing for substance use, uses for testing as part of substance use monitoring and treatment, limitations of testing, and important considerations to keep in mind when testing for drug misuse.
Aberrant Drug Taking Behaviors Information Sheet Informational

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

This information sheet provides examples of patient behaviors that may indicate prescription medication abuse or addiction, as well as behaviors that may appear aberrant but are likely to be part of the normal process of stabilizing a patient’s pain condition.
Recognizing Opioid Abuse Informational Table

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

Table listing common symptoms of prescription opioid abuse and/or addiction.
Knowing When to Say When: Transitioning Patients From Opioid Therapy. Training Guide

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

A free 2-hour course that covers how to recognize aberrant drug-taking behaviors, strategies for monitoring patients, using a risk-benefit framework to help determine options for discontinuation of opioids, strategies for transitioning patients off of opioids, and how to treat opioid withdrawal symptoms.
Briefing card
Sample Notification of Discontinuation of Opioid Treatment Form Letter Template

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

Form for clinicians to use to provide patients with information about why opioid treatment can no longer be provided and information about local treatment programs.

Screening Tools

Tool/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials

Clinician's Screening Tool for Drug Use in General Medical Settings

Online Screening Tool

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

Short pre-screening tool to identify potential risky substance use in adult patients by asking the patient a series of questions.
Clinician's Resource Guide: This guide supplements the NIDA Drug Use Screening Tool by providing more detailed instructions to clinicians on how to use the tool, discuss screening results, offer brief interventions, and make necessary referrals

Quick Reference Guide: This guide provides an abbreviated version of NIDA’s Drug Use Screening tool and instructions on its use.
Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Family or Friends, Trouble (CRAFFT) For Clinicians Screening Form

The Center For Adolescent Substance Abuse Research


For patients under the age of 21

Short tool to assess whether a person 1 may be at high risk for alcohol or drug misuse.

CRAFFT is an acronym representing key words in each of the questions; Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Family/Friends, Trouble.
Download CRAFFT in a different language

Request a pocket sized CRAFFT screening tool
Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Family or Friends, and Trouble (CRAFFT) Self-Administered Screening Form

The Center For Adolescent Substance Abuse Research

AUDIENCE: Children under age 21

This short self-administered tool assesses whether a person under the age of 21 may be at high risk for alcohol or drug misuse.

CRAFFT is an acronym representing key words in each of the questions; Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Family/Friends, Trouble.

Download Self-Administered CRAFT in a different language

Opioid Risk Tool Screening Form

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

Short patient self-report screening tool to assess risk for opioid misuse among those prescribed opioids.
Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10) Screening Form

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

Short 10-item patient self-report screening tool to assess drug use.
Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-20) Screening From

National Institute on Drug Abuse

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

Extended version of the DAST-10. Used as a patient self-report measure of drug use of adolescents.
Guide and instructions for use provided in test PDF.
Cut down, Angry, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener (CAGE) Screening Form

Johns Hopkins Medicine

AUDIENCE: Clinicians

This tool is used to screen for substance abuse disorders with alcohol and drugs.


Toolkit/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials