TR - Increase Awareness of the Risks & the Crisis

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[This is a for a page containing toolkits and resources. Use the table below as a general outline for how to organize content. Each table should pertain to a specific topic. See TR - Train Youth in How to Resist Peer Pressure to Try Drugs as a good example. Additional tables should be created if necessary]

Social Media

Toolkit/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials

National Medicinal Abuse Awareness Month (CADCA)Social Media Campaign

Downloadable images/messages


Examples of images and messages to share/tweet on social media during the National Medicinal Abuse Awareness Month organized by CADCA  

Awareness Resources

Toolkit/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials

Increase Awareness: Provide Educational Opportunities that Create Understanding and Encourage Compassion


Health & Human Services

AUDIENCE: Faith & Community Leaders

Your community can partner with your local public health office, hospitals, community health centers, or nonprofit service organizations to host educational events on a variety of opioid related topics.

HBO Documentary:
Warning: This Drug May Kill You (2017)

Video HBO AUDIENCE: Anyone in a community.
This powerful documentary is a powerful way for people to gain a deeper understanding of how easy it is for "good people" to become addicted and the devastating consequences. It focuses on several in-depth and personal stories. This is an excellent tool both to reduce misconceptions about Opioid Use Disorder that lead to stigma, and it is a valuable alert to people about why they should

MSNBC Documentary
One Nation, Overdosed: Documentary On The Deadliest Drug Crisis In American History (Full) (2017)

VIDEO MSNBC AUDIENCE: Anyone in a community (but with a concern noted below). T
This is another new, powerful documentary that brings many aspects of the crisis to light. It covers the crisis in Montgomery County, OH and focuses a lot on fentanyl and is good to think about the community-level impact of the crisis. It talks about how the community saw a shift from prescription drugs to heroin and fentanyl. One concern with this video is that is shows how easy it is to order fentanyl from China, which could prompt some people to try it.

Educational Workshops

Toolkit/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials

Fact Sheets

Toolkit/Resource Type Source Description Supplemental Materials

Teen Medicine Abuse Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet CADCA    

Risk Factors for Adolescent Problem Behavior

Fact Sheet Shatterproof Audience: Parents and community members.

A general list of risk factors for different adolescent problem behavior, including substance abuse.