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Promote Realty4Rehab as a funding source

Return to Increase Resources to Address the Opioid Crisis

There are many ways to expand outreach to connect with people who would want to work though the Realty4Rehab referral program to find a qualified, compassionate Realtor who is willing to donating the standard 33% of the commission to address the Opioid crisis in exchange for the lead.

Work with Non-Profit Organizations looking to raise funding

One of the key ways to spread the adoption of R4R in a community is to find non-profit organizations that are working to address some aspect of substance abuse prevention, rehabilitation and recovery and have them promote the use of R4R through their members, network of connections and on-line resources they have (like their Website or social media). 

Example 1: Church-based Recovery Ministry
For example, if a church has a Chemical Recovery ministry, they could decide to use R4R as a funding mechanism that would allow them to add a paid staff person or to develop a fund to cover transportation or food costs for people who participate. They could add a page to their ministry Website and then promote awareness of this opportunity via church members and ask those church members to share the opportunity with others by posting that link page in social media, etc. Home Buyers or Sellers who respond to this information and use R4R would then have the 50% of the donation they direct go to this ministry. This benefits the community because the local non-profit organization that is addressing some aspect of the opioid crisis is growing stronger. It also benefits the coalition because some of the 50% that goes to Realty4Rehab could be requested to support their infrastructure or staff.

Example 2: In-Patient Non-Profit Recovery Center
A non-profit recovery and rehabilitation facility could start a fund to help pay for treatment and recovery programs for people who need it or lack the money. They could work with their network of connections and also work with local media and other organizations to let people know that by using Realty4Rehab, they can help build up this fund so that people who need treatment but lack the funds will be more likely to get the treatment they need. Families that have a loved one who needs treatment can use a variety of forms of outreach to inspire people to use Realty4Rehab and direct their 50% to a particular rehabilitation or recovery facility to build up this fund so it is available for their loved one.

Example 3: Faith-based Youth Center Prevention Program
If a community has a faith-based youth program, it could be targeted to received the 50% directed donation to expand its staff and programs to better support youth in positive activities and education and awareness to prevent misuse of opioids or other drugs. This could be a rallying point for many faith communities to do something to solve the problem of youth "not having anything to do" and help create a stronger, healthier community. Realty4Rehab could be a key funding strategy for programs like this, allowing them to expand staff and otherwise fund programming for youth who would not otherwise be able to participate.

More details and tools coming soon.

Work with Businesses who want to help fund prevention and recovery to help the community

A local Chamber of Commerce or business organization could realize that the economic vitality of their community, the quality of the workforce and the quality of life of their workforce, healthcare costs, and other important business environment factors can be devastated if the opioid crisis gets worse in their community, and they can be part of the solution by letting their employees know that if they plan to buy or sell a home, they can help the community address this crisis by selecting their Realtor via R4R.

Details and tools coming soon.

Work with civic organizations that want to strengthen the community

Groups like the Rotary Club or Lions Club or Boy Scouts can support the general efforts to address the opioid crisis and target funding to specific non-profit organizations if they help raise awareness of how working with R4R to select a real estate agent can help fund opioid misuse prevention and recovery.

Details and tools coming soon.

Add Realty4Rehab to "How You Can Help" sections to Websites about the Opioid Coalition

Many communities are launching Websites with information and resources about the opioid crisis in their community. Those Websites can add a section on "How can I help?" and provide information on R4R on that page.

Details and tools coming soon.

Conduct a Social Media Campaign about Realty4Rehab

Once there are some Web pages that talk about R4R in your community, those pages can be mentioned in a variety of social media posts. We will be working on a variety of other social media tools and materials in this section. Coalitions can work with college and university students who are looking for projects for marketing, communications and social media classes.

Details and tools coming soon.

Get visibility via the media

The media is providing a lot of coverage on the problem of the opioid crisis, and many should find it interesting to do a story on how local citizens and real estate professionals are coming together in an innovative way to fund strategies for prevention and rehabilitation. Once there is some initial success, that success can also be showcased in media stories, further enhancing awareness.

Details and tools coming soon.