Social Media Campaign

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Social Media Campaign

Social Media Campaign
Social network and blogging sites are the fourth most popular activity on the internet, ahead of email, but behind search and general interest portals (Turner,...).

In May of 2012 Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, Washington raised $149,000 in two weeks in a broad appeal to the community through an integrated social media and email campaign, “Give Ten for Tigers.” (Sullivan & Whitham, 2013).
Brody, 2017 suggests the following steps in achieving an excellent social media campaign:
Step 1. Plan Your Campaign
Step 2. Execute your campaign
Step 3. Tweak and Perfect Your Campaign

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How to Set Up, Run and Manage a Social Media Campaign

SAMPLE SociAL MEdiA tactical plan - Adelphi

The compleTe Guide To how to Run Social media campaigns for a ...

Creating a Social Media Strategy - Hootsuite

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