Improve Early Detection and Proactive Strategies to Reduce Trauma Experienced by Infants

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Return to Zoom Map -- Reduce Early Childhood Trauma in High-Risk Families    or      Reduce Early Childhood Trauma in High-Risk Families 

The more we can prevent childhood trauma, the better.  Therefore, it is valuable for strategies to improve efforts to anticipate risks and take steps before trauma is experienced by infants, toddlers and young children.


Research and interventions regarding ACEs and Trauma often start after the most influential period of brain development has passed.  When babies are born into environments where domestic violence or other forms of toxic stress are present (such as being food or housing insecure, homeless or where one of the parents is misusing substances) the brain development and parental attachment are negatively impacted.  This objective focuses on conducting early assessments of the risk of an infant being in a traumatic environment before the trauma occurs, and then intervening in multiple ways to minimize and mitigate the negative influences of that early childhood environment. It is important to identify potential ACEs before they happen so they can be prevented and/or reduced as much as possible. By assessing the risks that a baby will be in a DV or toxic stress environment when the baby is born, steps taken to minimize trauma and start positive interventions earlier.


Driver Objectives

Increase Proactive Interventions to Reduce Infants Exposure to Trauma

Increase Prenatal Screening for High Risks of Exposure to Trauma After Birth

Tools and Resources

Solutions and Tools focused on this objective.

Promising Practices and Case Studies

Examples from communities that have implemented tools focused on this objective


Scorecard Building

Possible Objective Details

Possible Measures

Actions to Take

Actions for Coalitions

Actions for Individuals
