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ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities (ARRCC)
Welcome to the ARRCC.
This is a free resource designed to help community coalitions and other stakeholders accelerate and enhance their efforts to have high-impact collaboration to minimize and address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), enhance early chldhood development, and increase positive experiences for children and youth.
This 7-minute video introduces some of the important approaches and techniques that this powerful information resource is based on.
Coalitions can also learn more about these techniques and how to make the most of the content in this wiki by participating in the ARRCC Action Network.
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
We've made a lot of progress since launching this wiki in 2020.
See updated demo/tours with these links.
15-minute updated tour (December 2021)
9 minutes tour of additional functionality (January 2022)
7-minute tour focusing on faith communities (Feb. 2022)
Look up Bill Barberg on LinkedIn and send him a message to learn more or to be involved with developing and using this.
How to Add New Pages
See menu item on the left.