PO - Expand Programs Similar to the Angel Program

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Examples of a Description for this Objective

One of the most important ways to help people who are on a path to a destructive addiction is to get them help as soon as possible.  Often times, people don't get help until the addiction has significantly impacted their brain and has resulted in a lot of damage to the person's life, career, relationships and mental health.   In addition, people who are developing an addiction often end up getting invovled with law enforcement and the justice system.  For most people, this is an expensive and ineffective way of dealing with their mental health and substance abuse issues.  As a way to address both of these issues, our community will be launching and expanding a pre-arrest diversion program with the local police department (and possibly offering a similar program with the Fire Department at their various stations, since some people may not feel comfortable going to a police department).   People who come to one of these stations will not be arrested, but they will be guided to get a variety of types of support to help them deal with their substance use, addiction, mental health and life issues.  They will be connected with a volunteer who has been trained as an "angel" and also connected with a virtual support group (that includes tele-health access to mental help professionals) using a digital platform called rTribe.  

Examples of a From-To Gap

Current State Desired State
People often don't get help until things have gotten really bad, and by that time, they have destroyed a lot of relationships and may no longer have a job or resources that woudl help them achieve a successful recovery.  We have made it much easier for people who are in the early stages of developing an addiction to get the help they need so they can get on the path to recovery sooner.
People are afraid to interact with law enforcement because they don't want to be arrested for illegal drug possession and end up in jail, with a criminal record that will make the rest of their life much more difficutl.  So, they avoid any interactions with the police.  The police department is recognized as a safe place to get help.  Even if a person is turning in illegal drugs and paraphernalia, they will not be arrested.  Instead, through the Angel Initiative, they will be provided with a variety of helpful resources to support treatment and or pathways to successful long-term recovery.
Law enforcement officers have historically taken a punishment-oriented approach to try and deter people from misusing drugs.  Substance abuse is treated as a crime.  Law enforcement officers embrace a public health model to help people who are struggling with addiction.  Substance abuse is treated as a disease. 
The corrections system is clogged with people who have been involved with illegal drug use, and this is both expensive and inneffective.  The corrections system is able to deal with the most appropriate types of situations becuase there are a far fewer people in jail due to substance abuse. 
Few people know about the Angel Initiative (as it is still being planned) There is widespread awareness and support for the Angel Initiative, both from the community members and organizations that support it and among those who can benefit from entering into the program to get the help they need for substance abuse. 
People who want to help othes don't see an easy and effective way to be involved.  Many people are trained as "angels" and can be an important support in helping people who are wrestling with addiction or are in recovery. 
People who need support in getting off the path to addiction or maintaining successful recovery lack easy access to peer suport, coaching, and professional help.  The use of a digital platform makes it easy to have effective peer-to-peer support, coaching from a caring volunteer and on-demand professional help.  (An example of this technology is rTribe)