Increase Positive Recreation Opportunities for Youth

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One of the best ways to help young people develop is to increase the positive opportunities available for them to have fun with friends. 


One of the best examples of the impact of expanding postive recreation opportunities was the program known as Youth in Iceland, now at the center of an international program advocated by Planet Youth.  

There are many different ways to accomplsih this:

  1. Board Games
  2. Disc Golf
  3. Carpetball
  4. Chess
  5. Outdoor Recreation
  6. Youth Sports Clubs or Leagues

Tools and Resources

Solutions and Tools focused on this objective.

Promising Practices and Case Studies

Youth In Iceland

The improvements achieved by the Youth in Iceland are an impressive success story. 

Scorecard Building

Possible Objective Details

Possible Measures

Actions to Take

Actions for Coalitions

Actions for Individuals
