POD--Improve the Use of an Equity Lens in Family Leadership

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Examples of a Description for this Objective

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Examples of a From-To Gap

Current State


Desired State

a.  Students who don’t speak English face MANY disadvantages because the teachers don’t speak their native language, and their parents also face barriers to being involved, especially if the parent doesn’t speak English.


b. Parents who participate in family leadership often don’t represent the broader needs or concerns of the community.  (They may often care about one issue, which may be helpful, but doesn’t address needs of non-dominant culture).  The needs of linguistic or cultural minorities are under-represented.


b. As a result of proactive outreach to parents of under-represented groups, there is a much more balanced representation of involved parents.  Parent representatives represent the community (and, in the process, we’ve gained an understanding of the makeup of the community)

c. The environment where parents can provide input is often not welcoming to people who are different from the dominant culture.  People who are different don’t feel a sense of belonging.   We often don’t even know who feels like they belong and who does not.


c.  Parents of the non-dominant culture feel that they are valued as important partners.  They are invited, engaged, and their input makes a difference.  They feel the value of their participation and they feel they belong as part of the community.

d. Parents who don’t speak English often don’t have ways to communicate with teachers about their students.   They get directed to the IEP, because that it the pathway that exists (but the IEP is not appropriate for the need).


d. Parents can communicate with teachers about their children, even if they don’t speak English.  There is a pathway, other than the IEP, to support parents in communication with their teachers so they can help their children.

e. Current data gathering and analysis is not well suited to identify and understand disparities and inequities among groups.


e. We systematically gather and analyze data to identify and monitor inequities among different sub-populations.

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Examples of Current Activity

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