POD-Improve Early Childhood Parenting interventions for High Risk Families

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Return to Improve Early Childhood Parenting interventions for High Risk Families

Brief Page Description

Examples of a Description for this Objective

Support for positive parenting is often not available for the families where the benefits would be the highest.  Guidance given to parents is too often not based on good research.  The biggest opportunity for impact is when the children are the youngest. 

Attachment and Child Health is a program developed in collaboration with multiple community organizations. There are 12 sessions for the parent and co-parents. Research is working to learn to optimize and improve the program. Parent-Child Attachment Parental Reflective Functioning, and Child Development. This is focused on the highest risked families struggling with poverty, DV, mental health problems, ACE score of 4+.

Examples of a From-To Gap

Current State


Desired State


a. Insufficient funding for early parenting intervention in high-risk families. 


a. Sufficient funding for parenting interventions, and it is targeted to high-risk families.

b. Parenting programs are not reliable and valid and found to be effective.


b.Effective parenting programs are available, and are continually researched, evaluated and improved. 

c. Parenting programs are targeted and thus typically stigmatized.   c. Parenting programs are universally available and thus socially accepted.

d. Interventions that are recommended to parents are not necessarily validated by research or taught in ways that align with best practices


d. There is consistent use of research-backed interventions and people are taught how to do the interventions with fidelity.

e. Parenting Classes usually focus on only mothers


e. Co-parents are invited to the training sessions so they can be more effective in supporting the parents in their child-rearing.. 

f. There is fear and stigma that keep parents from getting help.  

f. The programs are non-judgemental and safe so that parents are not hindered from participating. 

Examples of Current Activity

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