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- (Template) Modules
- AC-Expand the use of BITS
- AC Increase the Use of Non-Adversarial Processes
- Activate Self Care by Deactivating Shame
- Address Food Insecurity & Inadequate Nutrition
- Address Housing Insecurity & Prevent Homelessness
- Adopt Environmental Changes to Support a Positive Learning Environment
- Adopt Key Policies
- Adopt Trauma-Informed Practices for Discipline
- Adopt or Expand Use of Trauma-Informed Curriculum and Social Emotional Learning
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (Pre-Teen, CH7, M1)
- Align Justice Sector Policies and Programs with the Family Well-Being Goal
- Align family justice policies and programs with the family well-being goal
- Augment Kindergarten with Programs for Brain Development for Reading Comprehension
- Basic Anatomy (Pre-Teen, CH5, M1)
- Become a Trauma-Informed Community
- Boundaries (Pre-Teen, CH1, M4)
- Boundaries (Young Adult, CH1, M4)
- Break the Cycle of Abuse and Neglect
- Build Authentic Partnerships between providers and caregivers and the State and caregivers
- Build Awareness & Support for The Basics
- Build Awareness of ACEs, Brain Science and TIPs
- Build Awareness of ACEs Brain Science and Trauma-Informed Practices among Members
- Build Broad Community Awareness & Support for Addressing ACEs & Adopting TIPs
- Build Broad Community Awareness & Support for Addressing ACEs & Adopting TRPs
- Build Neighborhood Social Connections & Safety
- Build Resilience in Communities
- Build Skills for Healthy Relationships
- Build social cohesion & intergenerational connections
- Bullying (Pre-Teen, CH4, M2)
- Change Norms in Faith Communities to Support Non-violent Discipline
- Change Norms to Support Non-violent Discipline
- Change norms to support non-violent discipline
- Chapter 1: Healthy Relationships - Middle School
- Chapter 2. Sexual Health -- Middle School
- Collaborative Divorce
- Collection of Data on Prevalence of Trauma Exposure and Symptoms
- Conflict Resolution (Pre-Teen, CH3, M4)
- Connect Vulnerable Parents to Supportive Services
- Consent (Pre-Teen, CH1, M3)
- Consent in Sexual Relationships (Pre-Teen, CH5, M4)
- Coordinate and develop policies and programs to increase family capacity
- Coordinate and develop policies and programs to support family members
- Create Rapid Response & Referral Systems to Quickly bring Protective Resources to Bear when Early-life Adversities are Detected
- Create a Library of Things including Tools and Recreation Equipment
- Create a Safe Welcoming and Supportive Environment for All Members & Visitors
- Create a Trauma and Resilience Committee in each Faith Community and a local network
- Develop Governance Structures that Genuinely Give Parents Power & Influence
- Develop Governance Structures that Genuinely Give Parents Power and Influence
- Develop Justice Sector Policies and Programs to Link Families to Supports they Need to Further Family Well-Being
- Develop Trauma Screening Tools for Different Sectors (Speech and Language Mental Health Pediatrician)
- Develop a network of mentoring programs supports & specialty mentors
- Dismantle Institutional Racism
- Educate Children about DV Risk Factors & Resources
- Educate about importance of participation to well-being of children and youth
- Embrace a Community Social Framework, Strategy & Shared Values
- Embrace a Community Social Framework Strategy & Shared Values
- Empower Families with Knowledge on how Childhood Stress can Impact Behaviors Substance Use and Parenting
- End All Forms of Child Abuse
- Engage Members in Community Outreach and Service to Reduce Trauma
- Engage Members in Community Outreach and Service to Reduce Trauma in their Neighborhoods and Community
- Engage Parents as Resources for Implementing Strategies
- Engage Parents in Trauma Informed Practices
- Engage People who are Recovering from Trauma in Helping Others (Post-Traumatic Growth)
- Engage local media in featuring mentorship success stories
- Engage the community in providing fun & valuable activities for mentors & mentees
- Enhance Access to Housing for People who Have Experienced DV
- Enhance Early Brain Development in Infants & Toddlers
- Enhance Education for Adults on Trauma and How to Address it for Yourselves
- Enhance FFN Care with Training & Support
- Enhance Financial Supports for Housing
- Enhance Finincial Supports for Housing
- Enhance Referral Systems & Collaboration
- Enhance Research in Prevalence of Trauma
- Enhance Specialty Professionals Training on ACEs, TI Practices & Processes
- Enhance secure parent-child relationships
- Ensure Babies are Born Healthy in Nurturing Homes
- Ensure Families Have Support They Need to Participate at the Level They Choose
- Equip mentors with tools & resources to support mentees
- Establish & Sustain Trauma-Informed Practices for School & Classroom Climate & Culture
- Establish Community-Based Programs to Enhance Literacy Building Blocks before Kindergarten
- Establish a Network of Support for FFN Caregivers (and train on ECD/ACEs)
- Establish a Trauma Advisory Board
- Establish and Strengthen Trauma Healing Ministries
- Expand & Build the Capacity of the Coalition to Address ACEs
- Expand & Enhance Appropriate Screening & Support for Trauma-Impacted Students
- Expand & Enhance Mentoring & Activities by Caring Adults-Seniors
- Expand & Enhance Mentoring & Activities by Caring Adults/Seniors
- Expand & Enhance Parent Education Programs
- Expand & Enhance Pre-Literacy Programs in Preschools
- Expand & Enhance Ready for School Initiatives
- Expand & Improve Trauma Assessment & Screening
- Expand Access to Early Childhood Music Programs
- Expand Board Game Networks and Clubs
- Expand Brain Science Education across the Family Justice System
- Expand Clinician Training in Using Screening Tools and Follow Up Questions
- Expand Community Woodworking & Workshops
- Expand Diversify and Strengthen the Coalitions Working on Family Justice Transformation
- Expand Early Child Care & Education Options
- Expand Family Mental Health Programs
- Expand Home Visiting Programs during Pregnancy
- Expand Home Visiting Programs to Train and Support Parents
- Expand Home Visiting Programs to Train and Support Parents Healthy Lifestyles
- Expand In-Home Programs for Literacy Building Blocks
- Expand Multigenerational Programs with Seniors and Children
- Expand Opportunities to Do ACEs Self-Test
- Expand Payment for SDOH Issues for Young Children
- Expand Planning & Support for Personal Success Pathway
- Expand Pre-Conception Planning & Education
- Expand Primary Care Provider's Support for Healthy Lifestyles (Reduce Obesity)
- Expand Primary Care Providers Support for Healthy Lifestyles
- Expand Programming for Healthy Families
- Expand Programs Targeting Fathers
- Expand Programs for Children of Immigrants
- Expand Programs for Children of Incarcerated Parents
- Expand Programs for Children with Developmental Disabilities
- Expand Programs for Kids who are not Reading at Grade Level
- Expand Programs to Support Developing Self Regulation
- Expand School-based Clinics and Health Services
- Expand Screenings of Documentaries with Panel Discussions
- Expand Student Resilience Programs in Higher Education
- Expand Systemic Use of Trauma Screening Tool
- Expand Training on Financial Management
- Expand Trauma-Informed Businesses/Employers
- Expand Trauma-Informed Courts & Corrections
- Expand Trauma-Informed Educational Practices
- Expand Trauma-Informed Faith Communities
- Expand Trauma-Informed Family Justice Systems
- Expand Trauma-Informed Foster Care System
- Expand Trauma-Informed Law Enforcement
- Expand Trauma-Informed Medical Care
- Expand Trauma-Informed Mental Health Care
- Expand Trauma-Informed Out of School Time Programs
- Expand Trauma-Informed Philanthropy
- Expand Trauma-Informed Practices in All Sectors
- Expand Trauma-Informed Public Health
- Expand Trauma-Informed Residential Treatment Programs
- Expand Trauma-Informed Social Services
- Expand Trauma-Informed Veterans Programs
- Expand Trauma Informed Prevention and Early Intervention Programs
- Expand Use of Technology for Innovative Training Models
- Expand Volunteers in long-term Relationships with Babies and New Parents
- Expand Youth Sports Clubs
- Expand Youth Sports Clubs and Leagues
- Expand and enhance efforts to recruit train and support mentors for high-risk youth
- Expand outreach to potential mentors needing credits hours or experience
- Expand the community network committed to mentorship
- Expand the existing mentoring programs
- Expand the use of BITS
- Expand training provided to mentors
- Expand “Train-the-Trainer” Program on ACEs
- Families Provide Ongoing Information and Insights to Help Address Issues
- Get Teacher & Union Buy-In to Understand the Benefits of Adopting TI Practices
- Healthy Relationship Tool Kit
- Healthy Relationship Toolkit (5th-8th Grade Comprehension Level)
- Healthy Relationships Toolkit
- Healthy Sexual Relationships (Pre-Teen, CH5, M3)
- Help Immigrants Get Connected & Welcomed
- Help People be Good Renters and Successful Homeowners
- Help to Address Poverty in the Neighborhoods
- How to Edit the ARRCC and Add Content
- How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship (Pre-Teen, CH3, M1)
- How to Protect Myself Online (Pre-Teen, CH6, M5)
- Improve, Identify & Expand Mental Health Resources and Services
- Improve Access to Birth Control (Esp. LARCs)
- Improve Awareness of Resources and Referral Partners to Address Student Needs
- Improve Communication Feedback and Building of Communities Across Geographies
- Improve Culturally Appropriate Mental Health & Family Counseling Supports for Parents & Children after DV
- Improve Data Collection, Sharing & Analysis
- Improve Early Childhood Parenting interventions for High Risk Families
- Improve Early Detection and Proactive Strategies to Reduce Trauma Experienced by Infants
- Improve Emergency Response for Women Experiencing DV
- Improve Employer Support for Women Experiencing DV
- Improve Healthy Eating and Healthy Lifestyles for Families
- Improve Housing, Food & Economic Security of Households
- Improve Housing Food & Economic Security of Households
- Improve Housing Security
- Improve Identify & Expand Mental Health Resources and Services
- Improve Information on the Quality of Early Child Education & Care Programs
- Improve Infrastructure & Training to Enhance How Recreation Can Help Youth
- Improve MCH Healthcare Services for Disadvantaged Populations
- Improve Mental Health & Social Supports for Parents
- Improve Parental Reflective Functioning
- Improve Parent’s Understanding & Skills for Co-regulation
- Improve Positive Youth Development
- Improve Proactive Supports for Blended Families
- Improve Teacher Training on ACEs, TI Practices & Processes
- Improve Teacher Training on ACEs TI Practices & Processes
- Improve Teacher Training on Creating Safe, Nurturing Classrooms
- Improve Teacher Training on Creating Safe Nurturing Classrooms
- Improve The Quality of Prenatal Care
- Improve Tracking of Health and Social Risk Among Mothers and Children
- Improve case planning and referrals using HopeHub
- Improve data collection Sharing and Analysis to Inform Family Justice Transformation
- Improve the Adoption & Use of Supporting Technologies and Collaborative Practices
- Improve the Child Welfare System
- Improve the Quality of Post-Partum Care
- Improve the Understanding of Brain Science Trauma & Resilience among Faith Community Leaders
- Improve the Use of an Equity Lens in Family Leadership
- Increase & Diversify Funding to Address ACEs and Improve Resilience
- Increase Access to Barrier-free and Stigma-free Supports for Problematic Alcohol Use within the Healthcare and Justice systems
- Increase Access to Mental & Behavioral Health for Potential & Expectant Parents
- Increase Access to and Participation in Pre-natal Care
- Increase Adoption of AIM Safety Bundles
- Increase Authentic Family Leadership in System Design and Improvement
- Increase Awareness of Speakers Bureaus & Resources to Enhance Understanding or ACEs & Trauma
- Increase Babies Born Healthy in Nurturing Homes
- Increase Clinician Training in Trauma Assessment
- Increase Community-Wide Book Readings and Discussions
- Increase Community Awareness of How to Support People who Experienced DV
- Increase Community Partner's Presence in Schools to Support Trauma-Impacted Students
- Increase Community Partner’s Presence in Schools to Support Trauma-Impacted Students
- Increase Community Programming for Healthy Families
- Increase Community Understanding of Early Brain Development
- Increase Connection Young Children to Other Caring Adults
- Increase Donations to Gift and Resource Bags for Infants and Parents
- Increase Economic Security
- Increase Efforts to Nurture Neuridevelopment & Strengthen Attachment
- Increase Faith Communities that are Committed to Being Involved with Minimizing and Addressing Trauma
- Increase Family Input into the Design of State Systems
- Increase Family Input into the Design of State and Local Systems
- Increase Food Security
- Increase Infant Mental Health Services
- Increase Justice Sector Awareness of the Relevance of Brain Science
- Increase Long-Term Breastfeeding in Low-Resource Communities
- Increase Media Attention on Community Baby Celebrations
- Increase Music-based Recreation Opportunities
- Increase Opportunities for Playing Carpetball
- Increase Organizations Hosting Community Baby Celebrations
- Increase Organizations Supporting & Sharing Info on The Basics
- Increase Organizations supporting Community Baby Celebrations
- Increase Outreach to Invite Participation of Disadvantaged Parents
- Increase Parent Involvement in Schooling
- Increase Parent Practices that lead to Pre-Literacy Skill Development
- Increase Parents Awareness of the Impact of DV on Children
- Increase Participation In Community Baby Showers and 1st Birthday Celebrations
- Increase Participation by Pre-Teens and Teens in Community & Cultural Activities
- Increase Participation in Quality Early Childhood Care & Education
- Increase Positive Experience in the Early Years
- Increase Positive Experiences in Early Years
- Increase Positive Experiences in the Early Years
- Increase Positive Recreation Opportunities for Youth
- Increase Practices that Enhance Executive Function
- Increase Practices that lead to Enhanced Executive Function & Self-Regulation
- Increase Prenatal Screening for High Risks of Exposure to Trauma After Birth
- Increase Proactive Interventions to Reduce Infants’ Exposure to Trauma
- Increase Professional & Workforce Training on ACEs-TIPs
- Increase Professional & Workforce Training on ACEs/TIP
- Increase Protective Factors among Members Children
- Increase Public Awareness of the Impact of Toxic Stress and Resilience on Family Well-Being
- Increase Self-directed Exploratory Interactive Play & Movement
- Increase Sense of Meaning & Hope for Youth (Spirituality & Faith)
- Increase Trauma-Responsive Programming to Support Social & Emotional Learning Outside of School
- Increase Understanding of Childhood Development Milestones Needs & Strategies by Mom’s of DV
- Increase Use of Common Screening Tool for CMH and Child Welfare
- Increase Use of Engaging Technologies to Support Healthy Lifestyles
- Increase Young Childrens Involvement in Creative Activities
- Increase Youth Entrepreneurship
- Increase Youth Participation in Outdoor Recreation
- Increase Youth Playing Chess
- Increase Youth Playing Disc Golf
- Increase access to mental and behavioral Health for Potential and Expectant Parents
- Increase and Diversify the Funding for Transforming the Family Justice System
- Increase awareness of the benefits and value of youth mentorship opportunities
- Increase employers allowing mentoring on paid time
- Increase faith-based studies to motivate volunteers to “become a father to the fatherless”
- Increase funding for Community Baby Celebrations
- Increase funding to expand a world-class mentoring ecosystem
- Increase meaningful participation of children and youth
- Increase rewards & benefits given to mentors
- Increase the Adoption of Promising and Evidence-Based Interventions
- Increase the Role of Indigenous Communities in Family Justice Transformation
- Increase the Use of Non-Adversarial Processes in the Family Justice System
- Increase the Use of Supporting Technologies and Collaborative Practices for Family Justice Transformation
- Innovate Ways to Encourage or Require Non-Adversarial Processes in the Family Justice System
- Innovate Ways to Identify Family Needs & Make Referrals
- Innovate and coordinate accessible cross-sector supports for families
- Innovate and coordinate approaches that assess family capacity and risks
- Innovate justice system integration with community-level services for families
- Innovate ways that empower families to improve conflict skills and reduce harms
- Innovate ways that safely reduce adversarial family legal processes
- Innovate ways to enhance children's resilience
- Innovate ways to enhance children’s resilience
- Integrate ACEs & Trauma as a Priority in Other Community Strategies and Events
- Integrate Justice and Community Services for Families
- Integrate NEAR Sciences into Professional Training
- Integrate NEAR Sciences into Professional Training for Attorneys
- Integrate Trauma-Informed Training into Workforce Development
- Integrate the Resilience Scale into the mentorship program
- Integrate the mentoring initiative into school law enforcement & other systems
- Looking at Cyberbullying (Pre-Teen, CH6, M1)
- Main Page
- Making Online Friends (Pre-Teen, CH6, M4)
- Meet Physical Needs that Support Early Brain development
- Minimize Adverse Church Experiences
- Minimize Bullying
- Minimize Domestic Violence
- Minimize Exposure to ACEs & Trauma
- Minimize Exposure to Environmental Toxins
- Minimize Exposure to Neighborhood Violence
- Minimize Neglect of Children
- Minimize Substance Abuse & Addiction
- Minimize Substance Use/Abuse among Pregnant Women
- Mobilize Members as Volunteers for Leading Organizing and Managing Large-scale Cross-sector Coalitions to Minimize and Address Trauma
- Module 1: Characteristics of Healthy Relationships (MS)
- Normalize integrated cross-sector approaches to policy and action
- Nurture Increase Serve & Return Interactions
- Nurture Neighborhood Connections
- Nurture Strong Virtues Values & Character Development for Pre-Teens and Teens
- OD--Expand Screenings of Documentaries with Panel Discussions
- Objective List
- Online Dating Sites and Apps (Pre-Teen, CH6, M6)
- PA--Become a Trauma-Informed Community
- PA--Develop a network of mentoring programs supports & specialty mentors
- PA--Engage local media in featuring mentorship success stories
- PA--Engage the community in providing fun & valuable activities for mentors & mentees
- PA--Equip mentors with tools & resources to support mentees
- PA--Expand Screenings of Documentaries with Panel Discussions
- PA--Expand Volunteers in long-term Relationships with Babies and New Parents
- PA--Expand and enhance efforts to recruit train and support mentors for high-risk youth
- PA--Expand outreach to potential mentors needing credits hours or experience
- PA--Expand the community network committed to mentorship
- PA--Expand the existing mentoring programs
- PA--Expand training provided to mentors
- PA--Improve case planning and referrals using HopeHub
- PA--Increase Donations to Gift and Resource Bags for Infants and Parents
- PA--Increase Media Attention on Community Baby Celebrations
- PA--Increase Organizations Hosting Community Baby Celebrations
- PA--Increase Organizations supporting Community Baby Celebrations
- PA--Increase Outreach to Invite Participation of Disadvantaged Parents
- PA--Increase Participation In Community Baby Showers and 1st Birthday Celebrations
- PA--Increase awareness of the benefits and value of youth mentorship opportunities
- PA--Increase employers allowing mentoring on paid time
- PA--Increase faith-based studies to motivate volunteers to “become a father to the fatherless”
- PA--Increase funding for Community Baby Celebrations
- PA--Increase funding to expand a world-class mentoring ecosystem
- PA--Increase rewards & benefits given to mentors
- PA--Integrate the Resilience Scale into the mentorship program
- PA--Integrate the mentoring initiative into school law enforcement & other systems
- PAI--Expand Volunteers in long-term Relationships with Babies and New Parents
- PAI--Increase Donations to Gift and Resource Bags for Infants and Parents
- PAI--Increase Media Attention on Community Baby Celebrations
- PAI--Increase Organizations Hosting Community Baby Celebrations
- PAI--Increase Organizations supporting Community Baby Celebrations
- PAI--Increase Outreach to Invite Participation of Disadvantaged Parents