PM - Improve Safe Storage of Prescription Drugs

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PM - Improve Safe Storage of Prescription Drugs

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Potential Measures

As you add potential measures, please include a description, calculations for the measure and possible data sources.

Data Source
Percent (%) of People who use safe storage for their prescription drugs
This could be asked by prescribing physicians during specified periods once or twice a year to get a good sample size.
Numerator: # of people who say they have and use secure storage for their prescription drugs
Numerator: # of people who indicate that they have opioids in their home.
Potentially a question asked by prescribing physicians or dispensing pharmacists.
Alternatively, many of the community partners (barbershops, hair salons, employers, libraries, etc.) could ask people to sign up for a quarterly newsletter on how they can help the community respond to the opioid crisis, and as part of that sign-up process, there could be a 2-question survey done separately so it is not linked to their E-mail address. Do they have prescription opioids in their home, and are those drugs properly secured.
Number (#) of Safe Storage products purchased via community programs.
If a community coalition (or multiple groups) participate in special programs to provide safe storage products at discounted prices and with subsidies, it should be easy to count how many products are purchased each year.
Add up the number of products purchased (perhaps by category) for each special community program.
Programs helping people get secure storage products would track data for their program.
Number of TimerCaps distributed in the community
The number of TimerCaps given to people to improve the safety of their prescription drugs.
Add up the number of caps distributed by different partners each quarter or year.
The various partners and sponsors who pay for the TimerCaps. Sponsors purchase the TimerCaps that are customized with their logo and branding and work with the community coalition and partners for the best options to give them away to people who would benefit from having them.

Potential Data Sources

Date Added