POD - Weave The Basics into the Culture of the Community

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Brief Page Description

Examples of a Description for this Objective

Socio-Ecological Saturation: A local backbone organization in each affiliated community recruits and equips partner organizations from multiple sectors. The organizations, in turn, engage parents and caregivers with information and supports for incorporating The Basics Principles into everyday family routines.


Examples of a From-To Gap

Current State


Desired State

Parents may not realize the importance of The Basics Principles on healthy child development.


Parents have a high degree of awareness that The Basics Principles impact child development in healthy ways.

Parents, even if aware, are not integrating The Basics Principles into everyday family routines.


Parents integrate The Basics Principles into their everyday family routines.

Few key community partners, representing only a few sectors, are engaged in promoting The Basics  

Multiple permanent The Basics messaging touchpoints exist throughout most sectors of the community.

All messaging touchpoints for The Basics are brief and temporary.

  “Discipline” understood as being teaching.

Leadership of The Basics in our community is disparate and informal.


Leadership of The Basics in our community is coherent, formal, and organized.

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