PO - Expand SBIRT Program

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Examples of a Description for this Objective

Expanding the use of evidence-based approaches to Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) can allow our community to identify people who are at risk of substance abuse or who are misusing opioids sooner in the process. 

Examples of a From-To Gap

Current State Desired State
SBIRT is being done in some Emergency Department Settings and a few other random situations. SBIRT is being frequently done in ED, primary care, school, and social work settings.
SBIRT screening tools are probably not state-of-the-art. The most effective and appropriate screening tools are used in a wide range of settings.  
Training for professionals to do "Brief interventions" is limited and inconsistent. Many professionals have been trained using tools to improve their effectiveness in having brief intervention discussions after seeing the screening results.